Friday, February 10, 2012

Class Update

 Skype to Someone
 A few weeks ago, two of our students had the opportunity to try video chatting on their own with two students from Ms. Nelson's grade 1 class from Sun Valley School.  Each student read to the other, reading the text on each page first and then showing the pictures.  Both students from our class were thrilled to share their favorite books and we hope to do this again soon.

Baby Lauren
Baby Lauren came for another visit and she is six months old already.  We sang to her, watched her play with toys and compared here to our Roots of Empathy teaching doll.

100 is a lot

In anticipation of the 100th day of school, which we will be celebrating on Tuesday, February 21st we participated in Mrs. Soltau-Heller's class wikki called 100 is a lot.  Click here to see all of the photos.  The ones our class created have bolded titles underneath them.

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