Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our very, very busy week

We are learning about four food groups. - Dylan
In science we go to Ms. Rempel's room because they have baby chicks in their classroom. - Rory
We have a new note if you want to participate in running club. - Daniel (It needs to be returned by Monday).
We are going into Ms. Rempel's class because she has eggs. - Dylan
On Wednesday we had a fun in math and we played different kinds of math games. - Maki
We put the eggs in the incubator. - Aidan
Today we played math work stations. - Sarah
Some of the baby chicks eggs say blue and black. - Lily
When the baby chicks come out of the egg they still have to stay in the incubator. - Noah
They have to stay in the incubator because they are wet. - Josh
The baby chicks eggs are going to hatch on May 7 - Morgan
Starting next week the grade 2's get to go on the announcements for 8:30am. - Kaydince
In gym we played cops and robbers. - Nolan
In gym we were going to play a game that I made up called Pac Man Tag. - Abi
My birthday is on the exact same day as the baby chicks hatch. - Nick
Today we are learning about food groups. - Mimi
The eggs have to stay in the heater. - Zane
On April 18 was our day on the structure. - Mark
This week we had two gyms in a row. - Devan
In computer we are working on a book and the website is called Storybird. - Dylan
Some people didn't get to do Storybird yet, like me. - Daniel
On Storybird I made a book called A Fail or Not. - Mark
The four food groups are Vegetables and Fruit, Milk and Alternatives, Meat and Alternatives, and Grain Products. - Christian
Today we did a spelling test. - Nolan
Today it was crazy candy Friday, but we didn't get the candy. - Noah
We went to gym and played blob tag. - Daniel
At recess me and S played little beach. - A
In gym we are doing dances for the Folk Dance and today our dance was the Pata Pata. - Rory
Today at recess me and my friend S saw smoke from places. - Lily
Today in gym we played Mark's new game, Cops and Robbers. - Nick
Today we did spelling. - Noah
Me and Devan went bowling. - Ethan
Yesterday was day four and we had Library, Music and Computer. - Sarah

Friday, April 13, 2012

We learned about safety rules on the bus. - Mark
Today at gym we played soccer. - Maki
On Tuesday we had computer.  It computer we played new math games. - Mimi
On Monday we had a special activity.  The special activity was a video about respect and one was about love. - Rory
We did art today and Thursday. - Kaydince
We covered a big paper with crayons. - Devan
We had music today.  We sang camp songs. - Nolan
 We are making story about umbrellas. - Dylan
Today in math we played Drop of Doom. - Sarah
Our guest teacher read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. - Kylie
On Wednesday we had early dismissal and it was really fun. - Morgan
We started a new chapter called Ashes in our chapter book. - Daniel
Hugo was the main character of the chapter book. - Lily
When we went for safety rules on Monday in the bus.  At the end the patrols were outside and they helped us jump and we went back inside and we were going to finish our story of the Three Little Pigs. - Mimi

April Showers

Today we spent the last part of the afternoon creating art inspired by Jae Soo Liu's wordless book Yellow Umbrella.  It comes with its own sound track.  Here is a preview of the process:

Before we started we listened to a crayon inspired song Crayola Doesn't Make a Colour for Your Eyes by Kristin Andreassen.  Below is her music video.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Very Mysterious package...

We were thrilled last Monday to receive a package from our friends in England.  We made some guesses about what might be the envelope before opening it up.

It included a letter for each student, a book about their down, a teddy bear from the National Park their town borders...  
and Mint Cake, the official candy of Mount Everest climbers made right in their town. 

We all tried some and it was great!  Thank you so much to Ms. Morris' class!!!

 To finish up our unit on 2D and 3D shapes, we spent part of an afternoon creating 3D shapes by making them out of marshmallows and toothpicks, pipe cleaners, plasticine and by drawing them.

We started exploring the Canadian Food Guide and will be exploring healthy eating for the next few weeks.