Tuesday, May 29, 2012

These Are The Games We Play - Part 2

Today we finished taping the other two videos to send to Ms. Boyd's class.  We are looking forward to learning some games that students in New Zealand play, and Skyping with them next Tuesday.

Ms. Nairn

These Are the Games We Play - Part 1

Last week and this week, we have been recording ourselves demonstrating how to play some of the games we play at school.  This is part of our Flat Classroom Project and they will eventually be shared with our New Zealand buddies in Ms. Boyd's class.  We hope you enjoy watching them as much as we have enjoyed making them.

Ms. Nairn

Sunday, May 27, 2012


About a month ago I introduced the students to a program called Storybird.  It allows students to choose illustrations created by various artists and then write a story about the pictures.  This has been highly motivating for them and many have continued their stories at home.  Some have even collaborated with siblings or other family members.  Below is just one of the many stories written so far. If you would like to see others, click the Our Storybird tab at the top of the page.  Please leave a comment if you enjoy a story or have any questions, we would love to hear from you!

Ms. Nairn

Here is Mark's Story:

A fail or not on Storybird

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Here a Chick, There a Chick...

We called four corners for food groups.- Dylan
We got a new class pet.  There are frog eggs. We are also getting butterflies. - Noah
We learned a new song in music. - Devan and Mrs. R
Mr. K in music, yesterday he did some movement with a drum and the blocks. - Mimi
We got to take pictures of the chicks which are next door to our classroom. - Kaydince
Today we get take pictures of the baby chicks with our DS. - Kylie
We are going Oak Hammock Marsh all day on Tuesday. - Max
On my birthday, the chicks hatched. - Nick
Today we had phys. ed.  In phys. ed. we played monster tag.  Also we danced two dances. - Maki
Today we got to take pictures on our DS and Ipod.  We also had a substitute teacher for phys. ed. and spelling. - Morgan
Mr. K is another teacher that is watching our music teacher because he wants to be a music teacher. - Aidan
We are sending a package to England.  In the package there is a moose with Canada tie, letters and pictures of the northern lights.  We are sending a book of ABC about Canada and Caramilk in the package. - Abi
Ms. Rempel and Ms. Nairn both went to the farm to get the chick eggs so we could have them in our classroom for a pet.  Ms. Rempel got to keep them in her classroom and we get to go to her class sometimes, or Ms. Nairn will take a chick.  First Ms. Nairn will tell us to go in a boy girl pattern.  Then she will bring around the chick and we will get to feel the chick and soon we will get to hold it. - Rory
In science we found out that one of the baby chicks did not come out of its egg. - Dylan